The work of the National Agricultural Extension, Training and Rural Development Institute (NAETRD) and of the Hungarian National Rural Network Council (HNRN) staffs were awarded the occasion of 20th of August 2014. The ceremony held by the Ministry of Rural development at the Heritage Houseb.

One of the awarded, was Melinda Rézműves the member of the HNRN Council and she got the Republic of Hungary Gold Cross of Merit. She graduated in 1995 as an ethnographer at the Eötvös Loránd University and she currently in the doctoral degree program at the Universitiy of Pécs in cultural anthropology-ethnology department. Her life was devoted to the exploration and demonstration of the Roma culture. In 2001, from the university scholarship she bought a small building in her native village at Hodász, where she developed our country and Europe first Roma Ethnic Museum. For about two decades she was the education organizer, ethnographer and researcher then a deputy director of the Metropolitan Municipality Gipsy House. Currently she is the advisor of the NAETRD Equal Opportunity Program Office

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