We visited a knowledge exchange program

The Cultural Institute of the National Center for Communitiy Initiatives on 15-16 July in 2014 organized a visiting trip to Szabolcs- Szatmár -Bereg County. The participants were the representatives of local municipalities , and associations of counties: Jász-Nagy-Kun Szolnok,Bács-Kiskun, Békés, and Hajdú-Bihar county.

The program was very colorful  and utilized a lot of ideas, and we became richer with many experiences.

We visited villages, where the local municipalities together with the inhabitants try to turn  their disadvantages to advantages, not only ensure  the sustainability of the village , but also the continuous development.

Hodász and the others have shown how to preserve the local values and create more livable conditions.

The visited places were Panyola, Rozsály, Túristvándi and Hodász. At these villages we sew many good practices, which has been not only a success for them, but can be foot for taught for the county offices in the future. The program was a great opportunity for networking and planning the common projects.

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