The Village House first caretaker was my father Mihály Rézműves. He was volunteer and promoted the Romani folk housing and material culture. He was the initiated the construction of huts half dug house in the ground which was almost similar to the house where he used to live with his family. 

Trough his true stories and sad songs he was able to recall the past with exceptional talent to make remarkable the present. During his guided tours he told stories and taught the importance of the poverty’s dignity, togetherness and the power of the faith. He would be 77 years old in 2015. He went trough his long-term illness with exceptional dignity.

Let commemorate to him with one of his favorite song.

Mihály Rézműves born 30/10/1937, died:01/16/2014

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- Hírek ESZA

NyelvEsély Partnerintézmény
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