Representative of the Romanes Association, on 18th of December 2014 at Pesti Vígadó Melinda Rézműves etnographer, the founder of the association and the museum, receives the Prize for Minorites. The prize was awarded by Miklós Soltész the State Secretary for Church , Nationality and Civil Society Contacts. Next to them Zoltán Balog Minister of Human Resources.

In our country here are many people and nationality communties, who have multiply identity. At the same time they are proud to be a Hungarian and member of a nationality as well. The multiply identity has spiritual and intellectual source for wthat Hungary and the Hungarian culture need- said Zoltán Balog, the Minister of Human Resources on Thursday at the Pesti Vígadó at the ceremony of the Prize for the Minorites Award.

In addition the head of the ministry emphasized:- Hungary’s largest wealth lies in human resource. We should be proud of that in Hungary 13 nationalities live together with equal rights. Who have their own peculiarities,traditions and treasure of culture to enrich the Hungarian diversity.

From our county there were three awarded: Ágnes Husztiné Nagy from Szatmár, who carried outstanding work for the German national community traditions and culture maintenance; Tiborné Tóth who took the recognition because of her interest about roma at Tuzsér and teaches divinity, doing youth, social work and volunteer activities; the Romanes Association, Melinda Rézműves etnographer got the honor the preservation of the roma folklore and folk culture,through the Roma Ethnic Museum in Hodász in favour the integration  of the roma living in rural areas.

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